June 4 update

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Here is a quick update from me about the full site editing course.

Thank you all for the encouraging comments and feedback about the course so far! I have not been able to reply to everyone, but I am not ignoring you, I am doing my best to make time for everyone. 🙂

Today is the WCEU online contributor day and I have mainly been focused on that, so there has not been much time for updates to this site.

I have added the first full site editing blocks cheat sheet.

The progress on global styles was presented during the block based theme’s meeting on wednesday. Hopefully we can test that during the contributor day and provide fedback. It looks very interesting but it’s a different way to think about styles from what we are used to.

Ps: To be notified of new posts, you can subscribe to the WordPress.org Themes Team blog here: https://make.wordpress.org/themes/