Use the block theme generator to create a .zip file with your own WordPress starter theme for full site editing. You will be prompted to accept the download of the zip file via your browser.
Information about the different theme types:
“No code”
Recommended for non developers who wants to start from a blank theme.
A theme with only an index template and basic settings, built for creating and exporting themes in the WordPress Site Editor, without any coding knowledge.
Six site templates: Index, single, page, archive, 404, and search.
One custom template for posts and pages: No title.
Two template parts: Header and footer
Six block patterns:
Query, comments, columns with images.
Three are hidden from the inserter: Footer, 404, post meta.
Four colors: Base (background), contrast (text), primary and secondary, plus transparent.
Two hard-stop gradients and two duotones.
Font sizes: small, medium, large, xl, xxl.
Font families: system fonts, serif, monospace.
Styling is applied to the following blocks: Code, comment author name, comment date, comment edit link, post comments form, comment reply link, navigation, post author name, post content, post date, post excerpt, post featured image, post template, post terms, query pagination, search.
Templates: 404, archive-product (Woo), archive, cart (Woo), category, checkout (Woo), featured-image, index, no-title, page, product-search-restult (Woo) search, sidebar-page-template, sidebar-post-template, single-product (Woo), single.
Template parts: Footer, header, narrow-footer, narrow-header, post-navigation, sidebar.
Block patterns: Columns with circular images, media & text with two images, post header with featured image, quote blocks with image, query, 404, post meta, and footer links.
Custom (selectable) block styles: Flat button, box shadow, underlined list items, details block with plus and minus icons.
Block styles for buttons, quote, search, and navigation block.
Bundled Google font
Register block variation
Unregister block style
Unregister block pattern and block pattern category
Register block pattern category
Four colors: Base (background), contrast (text), primary and secondary, plus transparent.
Eight gradients, three duotones.
Font sizes:
Extra small (custom), small, medium, large, extra large (xl) and xxl (custom).
Font families: system fonts, serif, monospace. Lora (google font example).
Styling is applied to the following blocks: Comment author name, comment date, comment edit link, comment reply link, details, footnotes, latest comments, navigation, page list, post navigation link, post author name, post content, post date, post terms, post title, query pagination, query title, search, site title and separator. WooCommerce Product categories, product price, filter wrapper, Yoast FAQ block.
I do not store any data, including your name/username, theme name, or links, when you submit the form.
Reporting problems or submitting ideas
Please use this GitHub repository to report problems with the block theme generator and the themes. You can find the code for the different themes in the same repository.
Planned updates
- Add an example hybrid theme.
- Improve the information about the build tools.
Recent updates
- Updated themes for WordPress 6.4.
- Add a copy of the advanced theme but without build tools.
- Removed the empty theme.
This block theme generator is cool and all, but have you tried the Create Block Theme plugin?