Block support: Color

This document is part of the WordPress block reference and is intended for developers.

Last updated September 17, 2023.


Background color is supported by all WordPress blocks by default, but there are a few WordPress blocks that disable it, for example the avatar block.

To disable background color, set the value of supports > color > background to false:

"supports": {
    "color": {
       "background": false
List all WordPress core blocks with background color support:


Just like the background color, text color is supported by all WordPress blocks by default.
But there are a few blocks that disable it; blocks that have no text, or only have linked text strings. For example the comment edit link and comment reply link.

To disable it, set the value of supports > color > text to false:

"supports": {
    "color": {
       "text": false
List all WordPress core blocks with text color support:

The link color block support is opt-in. 35 core blocks supports link colors.
For the link color settings to be available to users, you also need to enable link colors in the theme, using theme.json or add_theme_support( 'link-color' ).

To enable the link color block setting, set the value of supports > color > link to true:

"supports": {
    "color": {
       "link": true
List all WordPress core blocks with link color support:


Gradients are opt-in. To enable the gradients, set the value of supports > color > gradients to true:

"supports": {
    "color": {
       "gradients": true
List all WordPress core blocks with gradient color support:


There are two types of duotone block supports in WordPress and Gutenberg:

  • Filter, which is used by the image block
  • __experimentalDuotone, which is also combined with a CSS selector.

Example from the cover block:

"supports": {
	"color": {
		"__experimentalDuotone": "> .wp-block-cover__image-background, > .wp-block-cover__video-background",

Example from the image block:

"supports": {
	"filter": {
		"duotone": true
List all WordPress core blocks with duotone support:

Default controls

In the same supports section you can use __experimentalDefaultControls  to choose if a control should show by default inside the color panel:

"supports": {
    "color": {
        "__experimentalDefaultControls": {
           "background": true,
           "text": true,
           "link": true
Color panel with the text, background and link controls showing by default.

View blocks per attribute or block support: